Contact and contact points

Here you will find the contact persons for your concerns as well as the location map and telephone numbers of the body, Vicariate General and other Catholic organisations. Here you will find independent and church-based contact points for victim support. You can also find out what we do as a church to combat abuse and what we do to prevent it.

Postal address for all departments

Catholic Church in the Canton of Zurich
Hirschengraben 66
8001 Zurich

Code of Conduct of the Diocese of Chur

Order posters and flyers

Sujet 1
Sujet 2
Sujet 3
Sujet 4

The large posters F4 must be collected from C66, Hirschengraben 66, 8001 Zurich, from the secretariat on the 4th floor during opening hours.

Mixed orders (A3, flyers in combination with F4 posters) are also possible. Thank you for your understanding.

Order form

A3 Posters

F4 Plakate