Welfare and Solidarity

Helping our fellow human beings is our first and most fundamental obligation. Hence, those going through a rough patch in life are one of the focal points of our work. There are poor and marginalized people in our canton, too. We provide them with welfare services that are supplied via our church congregations, parishes and church institutions, and via charitable organizations co-financed by the church.

960,331 hours of work

are performed by volunteers who work in parishes, missions and church associations. Many activities would be impossible to carry out, were it not for these volunteers. There are many good reasons why people volunteer for voluntary activities, and thus take on assignments that add to their feeling of having a purpose in life. We really value this commitment, and we also provide advice and support to people engaged in voluntary work. If you are interested in doing voluntary work yourself, please talk to a local parish, the Zurich Catholic Charities (Caritas Zürich), the Train Station Church (Bahnhofkirche), the Airport Church (Flughafenkirche) or the HIV and Aids Ministry.

450,000 Swiss francs

were authorized by the Synod, the parliament of the Catholic church, as emergency relief for people from Ukraine in 2022; the Synod also increased foreign assistance by an additional 200,000 Swiss francs. During the covid pandemic, the Synod approved 300,000 Swiss francs in special credit to pay for covid-related projects.

48 parish welfare workers

are ready to listen to people in need and to help them cope in life. They provide counseling in the case of personal and financial difficulties and whenever there are problems in the family. They support people in dealing with issues of public administration, and they also provide services to elderly people, the bereaved, migrants, marginalized people, as well as families. The services are easily accessible, free of charge and confidential. The welfare workers are supported by a specialist department.

Find out more about parish welfare work (German-language)