
People are hungry for knowledge; they also continuously seek answers to the question of their purpose in life. The Catholic Church offers a whole range of services in support. It supports and funds educational establishments, training and further education services, and media courses and events. It additionally supports and funds events that provide information, and an intellectual stimulus to a range debates. This includes the Paulus Academy, Katholischer Frauenbund Zürich and also the «forum» magazine, which is distributed to all Catholic households.

135 Personen

teach 700 school pupils at three school sites used by the Catholic Community Schools of Zurich (Freie Katholische Schulen Zürich). The children and young people receive a solid education based on Christian and classical values. Mentoring and supporting pupils on a one-to-one basis is of fundamental importance to our schools. The schools are located at the following sites: Kreuzbühl, Sumatra and Wiedikon; they are open to all. The schools are financially supported by the Cantonal Church, the Catholic Association for the City of Zurich, and the church congregations.

Catholic Community Schools of Zurich (Freie Katholische Schulen Zürich) (German-language)

13.4 Millionen Franken

is the amount the Catholic Church provides to fund educational services and the teaching of Christian values. A total of 407 women and men teach religious education, prepare Catholics for First Communion, and support young people preparing for Confirmation. Clergy and pastoral workers teach at public secondary schools in the Canton, run meeting places and community centers, and provide counseling in case of school or family problems. Anyone wishing to engage in debate, or to reflect on certain topics, should visit the Paulus Akademy or the Jesuits’ Academic House for Students (Akademikerhaus der Jesuiten für Studierende).


3000 women

are active members of the 34 communities and associations of the Zurich Catholic Women’s League (Katholischer Frauenbund Zürich – KFB). The Women’s League is a network of 120,000 women organized in 600 local associations throughout Switzerland. It promotes the rights of women in politics, society and the church, and supports training and further education for women. The Women’s League “tandem” counseling center advises and supports women in difficult or demanding situations, e.g. during pregnancy or childbirth, while they are bringing up children, or if they are experiencing a crisis or loneliness, or trying to find a new focus in life. We support these activities financially.

Katholischer Frauenbund Zürich